About me

I am a wife and mother to 3 beautiful children. I work full time as an Instructor Therapist teaching children diagnosed with ASD.
This blog came to life after repeated requests from many of my clients to design a blog about Autism.
I hope that you find some inspiration, lessons and thoughts to help you through this journey with your beautiful child.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Child Teachers

Today I was reminded how natural it is for children to be teachers. As I observed my clients in social situations with other children, I was well aware that a natural awareness was taking place. Almost an animal instinct.

Imitation skills...took on a mind of their own. One child started to line up cars...the other child joined in and started to line up cars too. A child started jumping due to over stimulation, and another child joined in and started jumping...just because it was fun! The most profound moment for me today, was when a 2 year old "typical developing" child acting like a dog, barking and growling, was able to excite a low functioning child with Autism. He was able to entice eye contact, smile, engagement, imitation, sharing, joint attention, and affect. For the first time, my client was enjoying interactions with another child. This was such a beautiful natural moment. He was learning so much at this moment...but he didn't know it!

What was going on? These children, that most often have such deficiencies and challenges in social awareness, joint attention, imitation and communicating...were doing just that! They were engaging. They were communicating. They were sharing an awareness in time and space. This was not adult-teacher directed. There was no pressure to perform. There was no right or wrong in this moment. Just children, being children despite all of their individual challenges.

We are so eager to want a quick fix for our children. We want to see progress right away. Sometimes, and almost always, these things take time. They always take patience and lots of love. They also require children and lots of play!

I love my job of working with children diagnosed with Autism. I am thankful everyday that I am learning and becoming better. Better at being human. Better at being patient. Better as a teacher and therapist. Better as a mom.

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